Friday, May 3, 2013

Wamp cannot load extensions- php5apache2_4.dll - Windows 7

Wamp is Automating every thing that's the great thing of this web server , So , If you enable the extension from the menu (Icon Tray-> Php Menu  ->Extensions) ,Wamp will un-comment the extension in your php.ini  automatically , you don't need to do anything.

Please Note : that there are three Php Initial files came with Wamp , one in Php Directory , the second in Apache->Bin Directory and the third is called phpForApache.ini and located in php directory.

We are talking here about the second file that located in Apache->Bin  folder and that file must be showed in the results of Phpinfo() function as "Loaded Configuration File " variable .

So, Don't Comment anything . wamp will do it for you , what you need to do Solve Any Problem is to check the Variable 'Extension_dir' in php.ini file , the directory must be related to the apache folder .I meant that the path to the Php extensions directory must be not  = "ext", Because that mean, the folder is inside the Apache->Bin  Folder , and that's not right . Just write the full Path to the extension Directory.

Another thing to mention here that is very important if you are going to play with wamp , when you switch the php version through the system tray menu, Wamp  will copy the phpForApahce.ini from php version directory to Apache version directory .
Then it will change  any line contain "LoadModule  And Php" with the  line from another file called "wampserver.conf" that is located in php folder which is relevant to the apache version.

Two files are  important to wamp to load php extension successfully on is the php.ini in the php directory and the other is in apache/bin directory they must include the same extension and the same extension_dir

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