from the main node issue the command
from the other node :
we got cluster running now .
High Availability :
click on the 'Datacenter' --> HA --> Add : choose the virtual machine you need to add to HA.
to test HA is running or not , go to the node where the virtual machine is install and down the network interface :
the virtual machine should be still running while the main node is off.
Setting up Gluster
Reference 1
Reference 2
Refernce 3
Notice : Directory Need to be Manipulated to serve this job check Reference 2
from the master node
create the share named testvol with two replicas (please note that the number of replicas is equal to the number of servers :
Gluster may complainn of spli brain issue , but I think proxmox can avoid that using fencing or Watchdog. Start the Volume
you can check the connection is established or not using :
Now , from Proxmox Datacenter node , Choose --> Storage --> Add --> GlusterFS enter the name you like for this gluster storage, the ip of the two servers and the volume name "testvol" in our case
pvecm create clusterone
from the other node :
pvecm add MAIN_NODE_IP
we got cluster running now .
High Availability :
click on the 'Datacenter' --> HA --> Add : choose the virtual machine you need to add to HA.
to test HA is running or not , go to the node where the virtual machine is install and down the network interface :
ifdown eth0
the virtual machine should be still running while the main node is off.
Setting up Gluster
Reference 1
Reference 2
Refernce 3
Notice : Directory Need to be Manipulated to serve this job check Reference 2
Add the GPG key to apt:
wget -O - | apt-key add -
Add the source:
echo deb jessie main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.list
echo deb stretch main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.list
Update package list:
apt-get update
apt-get install glusterfs-server glusterfs-client
from the master node
gluster peer probe node1.proxmox
create the share named testvol with two replicas (please note that the number of replicas is equal to the number of servers :
gluster volume create testvol replica 2 transport tcp master.proxmox:/data/testvol node1.proxmox:/data/testvol force
Gluster may complainn of spli brain issue , but I think proxmox can avoid that using fencing or Watchdog. Start the Volume
gluster volume start testvol
you can check the connection is established or not using :
netstat -tap | grep glusterfsdif not check the required ports are open .
Now , from Proxmox Datacenter node , Choose --> Storage --> Add --> GlusterFS enter the name you like for this gluster storage, the ip of the two servers and the volume name "testvol" in our case
Don't forget to enables watchdog
just uncomment the line
# select watchdog module (default is softdog) WATCHDOG_MODULE=ipmi_watchdog
Now It is time to do security job to secure the system
Start Stop the Gluster service
Information about gluster Volume
Check status of high availability
Check the Cluster Status
High Availability Command:
Start Stop the Gluster service
service glusterfs-server start | stop | status
Information about gluster Volume
gluster volume info
Check status of high availability
systemctl status pve-ha-crm.service
Check the Cluster Status
pvecm status
High Availability Command:
USAGE: ha-manager[ARGS] [OPTIONS] ha-manager groupadd -nodes [OPTIONS] ha-manager groupconfig ha-manager groupremove ha-manager groupset [OPTIONS] ha-manager add [OPTIONS] ha-manager config [OPTIONS] ha-manager migrate ha-manager relocate ha-manager remove ha-manager set [OPTIONS] ha-manager status [OPTIONS] ha-manager help [ ] [OPTIONS]
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